Sunday, November 25, 2007

Oops: Missed my 100th Post

Yesterday was my 100th post and I totally spaced on it. I was stoked as I watched the number creep toward that milestone and then, yesterday, I just missed it; I simply forgot. I have to blame it on the hangover-effect Black Friday and Turkey Thursday (triptophan, yo!) induced because for a person who is sleep deprived, voluntarily leaving the house at 4:20am is, well, stupid.

I have to thank those of you who read my blog on a regular basis and comment because I thought for a long time I was writing just for the sheer act of doing so, which was okay because this exercise of journaling can be quite cathartic at times, whereas others it is like an exercise in redundancy. To get that confirmation, though, that someone else at least read your thoughts is a high, though, and a reason to keep pressing on.

I understand that the tradition is to post 100 things about oneself in honor of this milestone, of sorts. I will do that but over the course of several posts because, frankly, my boy will not allow me the time to put down 100 and, really, what is the point in coming up with them if no one takes the time to read. So, beginning tomorrow I will share some things you do not know about me!

As always, thanks for reading and, especially, commenting!


Patois42 said...

Well, you didn't actually miss it, right? But duly noted it. Looking forward to reading you for the next few hundred posts.

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

I saw mine looming recently, and then I just went, "Oh, F all that, just F it."


I have a little trick up my sleeve, though. ;-)

Can't wait to see yer factoids!

Kellan said...

Hey, Toni - Congratulations. Now I need to go check my posts - you got me wondering if I missed mine, I know I was coming up on 100 also. Way to go and I will look forward to those 100 things. Kellan

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Happy 100th. Man that went fast! So did you get any good deals on BF? :)