Wednesday, June 20, 2007


So, I am having computer troubles for some freakin' reason. You'd think that if you spend $40+ a month on road runner, that it should work, right? Well, it works... sorta. I cannot get to certain websites; I think it is my firewall/security/Norton that is blocking them but I am so computer illiterate I cannot figure out how to turn it off or modify it. Whatever....

MIL sent a package here today of crap for my kids. Did you notice I said crap? I am not just saying that because the Wicked Witch from Northwestern Ohio sent it; oh, no. It is crap. She made the Conqueror and Her Highness "play clothes". Yes, made them, as in sewed them. By Hand. Are you getting an idea? Allie, you know. You saw that monstrosity of an outfit WWNO made for Her Highness for Christmas. I am going to try to figure out how to post photos on here so you can enjoy the ugliness with me from a distance. RxMan said in regards to the Conqueror's outfit: "What, is he a baby clown?" Imagine red, orange, green, blue checks with red pockets and triangle red buttons all wrapped up in bib overalls! Not to mention the fact that the Conqueror is 5 months old- he does a lot of intense playing that requires a particular wardrobe. (Note the sarcasm.) Whatever....

So, I don't know if that is a sorry attempt at an olive branch from the idiots up north or what. RxMan says that his mother was just getting rid of any odds and ends she had gathered/made in their effort to purge us from their lives. I, on the other hand, lean towards the fact that she is suffering from a broken/bleeding/aching heart because she is aware of what she is now missing: 2 beautiful, perfect children and the son she adored (kind of a little too much, if you know what I mean). In any event, RxMan says they are no longer welcome here until his (sorry excuse for a) father apologizes to me for his mistreatment and rudeness. Heard the weather report from Hell lately, anyone?? Oh, well. Whatever...

In any event, I have to say I am oddly flattered by RxMan's protectiveness of me and my blemished honor. This is not a sign of him I see often. Not to say he isn't a good guy; he is. A great guy. But one who avoids conflict. At all costs. Like the plague. I am attracted to this knight in shining pharmacy coat that has popped up out of my mild-mannered husband. I didn't want this ugliness to occur between he and his (sorry excuse for) parents but it was/is nice to see this macho-ish side to my adorably geeky RxMan.

Oh, well. The Conqueror is teething. And on a nap strike for the third day. Whatever....

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