Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Nine years ago today, my daughter entered the world.

After nearly three full days of trying to trick my body into having her the "old-fashioned way", I relented to a c-section.

We didn't click for some time, my daughter and I. I suppose at some level, I resented this little creature who had put me through such a difficult birth. My husband stepped in and bonded with her while I tried to push through the haze of new motherhood and depression to find my place.

Eventually, though, I fell in love with her and she with me. And I have thanked all that is good and holy for giving her to me each day since.

Today, she is nine.

Happy Birthday, my darling Claire....


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Claire!


Happy Birthday to your beautiful little girl!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Happy Bday, Claire. And, thank your mom for NOT giving you the holiday name.

Missy said...

Hooray for Claire's birthday! Hope it is a great one for her!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Happy Birthday Claire. She is just SO CUTE.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Claire, hope she had a wonderful time

Kirsetin Morello said...

Well Happy Birthday to Claire! A good friend of mine also has a Claire, born 12/8. I agree with anglophilefootballfanatic - they should both be thankful for their beautiful name!