Sunday, July 20, 2008


Liam has recently perfected the art of taking off his socks on his own.

Around the same time, he also began walking on tip toe. We, of course, found this cute and adorable and laughed about it.

We noticed that it was mainly occurring only when he walked on our (uncarpeted) kitchen floor. I assumed it was because it was cold and laughed some more.

Then, one day last week, he began whining and walking on tip toe at the same time.

I thought he was just whining (as usual) and then watched him walk en pointe, whining, until he reached the carpeted area and then he took off as normal and stopped grumbling. Hmmn.


So, I, being the savvy detective, looked around and tried to figure out what was the culprit.

It only took a brief glance at the floor and it dawned on me....

My floors are so dirty that my toddler is disgusted to the point he has to walk tippy toed through or it hurts his tender feet.

Nice, right?

Instead of succumbing to embarrassment,which would have forced me to get the broom, Swiffer, bucket and mop and clean the daggum floors, I chose to make it a life lesson for him: don't take off the socks that your mother put on your feet- they're there for a reason!

Pretty clever, don't ya think?


Life As I Know It said...

This made me laugh - I hate walking around barefoot in my kitchen because of all the crumbs that are always there despite my daily sweeping.

Melissa said...

Or you could attach the swiffer things to his feet...that'd be my solution.

Anonymous said...

HA! Your floors and my floors must be related. So much stuff on them all the time. I try to sweep every night, but after about two night I forget and then it's been a week. Ugh.

But I like that you've turned it into a teachable moment!

Dana said...

LOL! I hate that stuff too. Instead of getting a broom, I just push it all under the table or that little space under the cabinets. with my feet.

Cecily R said...

You're awesome! Walking on my floor at any given time could be dangerous. Thanks for making me feel right at home...even if this IS an abnormailty at your house.

Unlike it is at mine. :)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh man, he is WAY too clever. Toni, beware of the teenage years. OR, better yet, teach him how to swiffer. :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pretty good plan to me. Mine is walking tippy toe, too. We think it's because that gets him JUST high enough to get into things.

Tricia said...

I like Melissa's suggestion!

Karen Coutu said...

LOL!! Good strategy! I'll have to remember that one.

Missy said...

oh, Pooky walks around on his tiptoes a lot too - maybe I should try sweeping! LOL